Innovation and economy

A high level of innovation translates into a low cost economy.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Customer centricity drives innovation

A shift in organizational culture and systems from ,"Organization centric" to,"Customer centric" has the potential of triggering innovations not only in product or service but also in the entire system for delivering value to the customer as well as innovation in all elements of the organizational system with which the customer interacts thereby triggering not only product or service innovation but also innovation in organizational operational and communication systems.
Thus customer centricity creates a whole new perspective in relation to organizational and systems design.

Innovation in HR

Recently conducted a training program on,"Innovation in HR".Prima -facie it seems that innovation is inapplicable to HR.However after applying innovation tools and the innovation development process to HR,it becomes evident that innovations in HR are as big game changers as product and process innovations.Innovation in HR standard and staid HR concepts such as leave can bring about q transformation of the concept from a welfare concept and system into a motivational concept and system.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Water from air

Water Gen has created a product which creates water from air .

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Tesla roof

Tesla roof is the disruptive innovation of the decade in the field of energy.What an opportunity?
Energy companies which do not adapt to this innovation are bound to be affected.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

E-Reservation charts in trains

E-reservation charts shall be introduced in Rajdhani and Shatabdi express trains.This will facilitate the RAC and wait list passengers and also enable the passengers to look at the reservation charts at night.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Zero emission train

A zero emission train has been developed by Alstom. It utilizes a hydrogen fuel cell.The emission is steam and water.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Systems Intelligence

Whenever there is a downpour in Delhi-Gurgaon,the roads are clogged with water and there are huge traffic jams to the extent that new vocabulary has been created to describe the condition namely that of Gurujam and Delhi-uge.
What does this phenomenon indicate?
This indicates a huge competency gap of systems intelligence among urban planners.The practice of systems intelligence and its utilization in designing the drainage sub-system as a part of the urban system consisting of the traffic sub-system, the road building sub-system and road maintenance sub-system and measurement of the effectiveness of these systems,would ensure that these systems do not break down under a little bit of pressure.
These systems breakdown because systems metrics are not measured regularly,thereby resulting in the continuance of ineffective systems which are bound to break down year after year.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Innovation culture in Singapore

Driverless Taxis are making their debut in Singapore.A typical example of the innovation culture prevalent in Singapore.Another example of this innovation culture in Singapore is the creation of an international court for commercial arbitration in Singapore.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Apple's future

Apple's future is dependent upon its ability to maintain the frequency of innovation.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Bit coins:An innovation whose time has come

Bit coins are an internet currency which also doubles as an international currency.The need for an international currency is dominant.Hence,this is an innovation,whose time has come.It is a typical example of the Innovation tool,DMP Challenge.The value of such a currency is that it can be utilised without the limitations of national currencies and exchange rates.
The underlying block chain technology can also bring about a paradigm shift in person to person collaboration and transactions.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Dominance of innovation in Economic news

It is interesting to note that Innovation is inadvertently beginning to occupy centre stage in business news.
Innovations that stood out in today were e-kyc,watson of IBM and GSTN.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

India's position on the Global Innovation Index

India has improved its position on the Innovation Index from 81 in 2015 to 66 in 2016.This improvement is due to increased software exports,market sophistication and Corporate R&D.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Innovation Support Structure in Vedanta

The innovation support structure in Vedanta consists of a web based platform for generating and exchanging innovation ideas among employees.This platform does the role of an,"Innovation Incubator".In addition to this ,the company has also deployed a financial corpus for incubating selected innovation ideas.

Innovation Support Structure in PWC

Annual innovation contests in the form of,"Concept Cradles"constitute a structure for generating Innovations in PWC.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Cipla: Innovation & Patents

Cipla successfully opposed the grant of a patent to Boehringer for Tiotropium Bromide Monohydrate branded as Spiriva.This is utilized in inhalers.The patent was successfully opposed on the basis that it did not enhance therapeutic efficacy.

Ford launching fully autonomous cars by 2021

Ford is planning to launch fully autonomous cars by 2021.These cars will be without steering wheel or gar pedals or gears.Ford abandoned the stepping stone approach to innovation and has embraced the DMP Challenge approach to innovation.
Ford approach to autonomous cars

Monday, 15 August 2016

Friday, 5 August 2016


There is a direct correlation between innovation and growth,
There is a direct correlation between lack of innovation and decline,
There is a direct correlation between frequency of innovation and continued success.
There isa  direct correlation between sporadic innovation and stagnation or decline.

Innovation : Why?

Innovation for growth,
Innovation for success,
Innovation for avoiding failure,
Innovation for solving problems,
Innovation for reducing risk.